The Hot Topic in Health: Preventative Healthcare

Mar 09, 15 The Hot Topic in Health: Preventative Healthcare

Posted by in Healthcare

By Jestelle Irizarry Disneyland, or more recently known as “measles kingdom,” is bringing light to an important consumer healthcare topic: parents’ decisions whether to take advantage of preventive care or not. Chronic diseases—like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes—are responsible for seven of every ten deaths in the United...

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Corporate Wellness Programs: Healthy Employees, Healthy Companies

Sep 18, 14 Corporate Wellness Programs: Healthy Employees, Healthy Companies

Posted by in Healthcare

Over the past few years, the number of companies that offer wellness programs and incentives to their employees has increased significantly. Companies are no longer just offering employees discounted memberships to gyms as a part of their wellness programs. The 60% of companies with wellness initiatives are offering incentives that...

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Accountable Care Organizations, a Bridge to the Multicultural Insurance Market?

Accountable Care Organizations, a Bridge to the Multicultural Insurance Market? By Martha C. Rivera, Director of Strategy and Insights With the support of Anthony Gokianluy, Junior Executive Accountable Care Organizations, or ACOs, are the less visible component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the health insurance news these...

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Supplemental Medicare and Obamacare

By Martha C. Rivera, Director of Strategy and Insights With the support of Nicha Ruchirawat, Junior Executive Medicare Advantage, which is the Medicare health plan offered by a private company, is going through some changes under the Affordable Care Act. The main transformation is that Medicare Advantage plans rated three out of...

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Thinking of Medicare under the ACA

By Martha C. Rivera, Director of Strategy and Insights With the support of Nicha Ruchirawat, Junior Executive Medicare-related provisions are important components of the Health Care Law that will surely have a strong impact on multicultural segments. The ACA includes new rules that strengthen the Medicare program. Figures show that...

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Exchanges Enrollment Implementation at the Consumer Level

By Martha C. Rivera, Director of Strategy and Insights Consumer education should be at the core of any efforts to implement the ACA. As the deadline for enrollment through health insurance market places approaches and the government and health insurance organizations rush out to be up and running within the Exchanges by October 1,...

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