SJG Multicultural Facts & Trends
Looking at the marketplace of consumers today, you will find that the marketplace has dramatically evolved in the U.S. from large Anglo demographic to the reality that this country has shifted to a large minority consumer base known as “new majority”.
The San Jose Group can state that today’s U.S. multicultural population or the “new majority” is 107.6 million, which translates to be about 35.1 percent of the country’s total population.
The interesting germane fact that you as the reader should take away here is that if the U.S. multicultural population were to be given the label as a country—the U.S. multicultural population could essentially be the 12th largest country in the world.
With this alarming fact, it is even more imperative to note that 90 percent of U.S. competitors are still NOT devoting commensurate marketing resources to address the specific multicultural segment.
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You’re the grteaest! JMHO
That insight’s just what I’ve been looinkg for. Thanks!