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Posts Tagged "international marketing"
In light of the gamble taken by starting a Hispanic agency decades before the U.S. Census showed evidence of the need, The San Jose Group (SJG) celebrated its 30 years in business with a Casino Night on Friday, Dec. 9 at its offices on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The Las Vegas style venue was packed with SJG clients, media...
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Tony D’Andrea, PhD, Director of Research and Planning – The San Jose Group When developing Hispanic ad campaigns, marketing executives must make key decisions over language, content and media channels. The trend in creative development has been in producing original targeted Hispanic spots that integrate cultural insights into...
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We are all by now fully aware of the emerging Hispanic and multicultural market. It seems as though everywhere we look we are seeing statistics on how the Hispanic population continues to rise; we also know that as marketers, we cannot ignore this booming segment. The question then becomes how can you reach them and create that all...
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By Tony D’Andrea, PhD – SJG Director of Planning and Research In haircare and skincare, mainstream consumers often turn to cheaper or store brands in times of economic hardship. But, regardless of price and income, Hispanics tend to stick to their brands of choice. As recurrently found by CPG market monitors, brand loyalty...
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As the anchor to the San Jose Network, we are excited to announce that SJN has entered into an alliance with TAAN, one of the largest global networks of independent advertising agencies. George and Deborah traveled to Cancun this past weekend to meet with Peter and other executives from TAAN and formalize the partnership. ...
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