Despite New Healthcare Options Mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 42% of U.S. Residents do not know the ACA is the Law of the Land

Jun 26, 13 Despite New Healthcare Options Mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 42% of U.S. Residents do not know the ACA is the Law of the Land

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By Cassandra Bremer, Content Manager and Developer In just six months, the U.S. federal government will begin fining residents who do not have health insurance as defined under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” the ACA mandates that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) establishes...

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Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

May 07, 13 Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

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We conclude our 12 part blog series on the Affordable Care Act and Multicultural Populations.   Medicaid & Obama Care – Part 12 By Martha C. Rivera, Director, Strategy and Insights, and Stephanie Puga, Junior Executive On March 23, 2010 Barack Obama signed the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), or as many know it as Obama Care....

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Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

Mar 26, 13 Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

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We continue our 12 part blog series on the Affordable Care Act and Multicultural Populations.  Understanding Medicaid – Part 11 By Martha C. Rivera, Director, Strategy and Insights, and Stephanie Puga, Junior Executive Medicaid health care was created in 1965 to guarantee eligible individuals a set of benefits. Medicaid provides...

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Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

Dec 20, 12 Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

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We continue our 12 part blog series on the Affordable Care Act and Multicultural Populations.   What’s happening with health insurance? Key Changes – Part 6 By Martha C. Rivera, Director, Strategy and Insights, and Monica Martens, Junior Executive When looking towards the future Americans should be informed about some of the key...

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Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

Dec 18, 12 Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform) and Multicultural Populations cont.

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We continue our 12 part blog series on the Affordable Care Act and Multicultural Populations.    Understanding Basic Health Programs – Part 5 By Martha C. Rivera, Director, Strategy and Insights, and Monica Martens, Junior Executive Somewhere in between Medicaid and individual health coverage falls the state-established Basic...

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