Painful Advertising Mistakes – #6

We continue our blog on Painful Advertising Mistakes when launching a campaign to a multicultural market. Rule: Realize transculturation is an obstacle worldwide and must be considered in your marketing campaigns. Breast Milk Baby These cultural nuances are not simply a one way street, and cultural misunderstandings in marketing...

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Painful Advertising Mistakes – #4

We continue our blog on Painful Advertising Mistakes when launching a campaign to a multicultural market. Painful Advertising Mistake #4 The number four way advertisers can breeze past the Hispanic market is to disregard their cultural symbols and stereotype their target market. “The Taste of Texas with a Little Spicy Mexican.”...

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Painful Advertising Mistakes – #3

We continue our blog on Painful Advertising Mistakes when launching a campaign to a multicultural market. Painful Advertising Mistake #3 Rule: With over twenty different Spanish speaking countries around the globe, be wary that Hispanic cultural norms and beliefs change from country to country. “My Car is Not a Whore”...

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Painful Advertising Mistakes

It does not take a sociologist to realize that social norms, interests, humor, fashion and social codes such as language vary from culture to culture. Therefore, when launching a campaign to a multicultural market, advertisers and marketers alike have to avoid a few faux pas that could cost their company time, money and reputation....

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