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Posts Tagged "Social Updates"
We continue our blog on Do Hispanics Keep up with the Jones’? Make Your Ad a Melting Pot What is “American” and how is our melting pot changing? Music Interests Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Rock and Country all make up hits in the top forties, but the music industry is constantly changing and they’re always looking for new influences and...
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We continue our blog on Do Hispanics Keep up with the Jones’? Make Your Ad a Melting Pot What is “American” and how is our melting pot changing? Values Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—our forefathers did a fairly good job at setting Americans up with an opportunity for all to achieve the rights to life, liberty and...
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We begin our blog on Do Hispanics Keep up with the Jones’? Make Your Ad a Melting Pot One aspect of human nature that we can’t ignore is our ability to adapt, or rather our instincts to “fit in.” Whether you’re a thirteen year old girl who’s listening to Justin Bieber because all your friends like JB, or a thirty-three year old man...
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As consumers continue to lead lives in the digital world, marketers must find places to meet them. One of those places is blogs. If you’re on the Internet, and certainly if you’re reading this, you’ve been exposed to blogs. More often than not, people seek out blogs for quick access information on the web. The San Jose Group (SJG)...
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As Facebook demonstrates, sometimes a picture is worth 1,000 words, but sometimes just one: anonymous Today, people are utilizing blogs at a rapid pace for several different facets: news, entertainment, education, business/career, social media and personal logs/daily diaries. But do readers really know who they are reading, and do...
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