The Revolution of Social Media

Jul 26, 12 The Revolution of Social Media

By Nicole Hernandez, social media specialist, at The San Jose Group

“We don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is how well we DO it.” – Erik Qualman

According to Edison Research, last year, 68% of Americans using social networks said that none of those networks had influence on their buying decisions. This year, only 36% said that there was no influence. In just one year, the influence that social networks have had on consumers has changed drastically and it is evident that social media should serve as an essential platform for marketers – in fact, 93% of marketers use social media for business.

People will always talk about your brand so it’s important to take note and listen to what they are saying. Just think, since 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations, it is vital for marketers to become a part of that influence. Being aware of which social platforms consumers are using to discuss your brand is a key factor in determining where you should be listening and engaging in dialogue.

Take two minutes to watch the phenomenal video about social media below; we assure you won’t regret it.

Now, if you’re still not using social media for marketing purposes, what are you waiting for? Become part of the revolution today.


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